
Today I had a diversity seminar at U of M for 4 hours where we talked about many different issues that I am soon to face what looks like daily. Maybe you can help me out with some of these questions I had after the seminar.

One woman made the comment, "As a social worker (or professional) one must rid themselves of all personal beliefs to work with people." Is this even a possibility? Can one rid themselves of all their personal beliefs in order to work with an individual or do ones personal beliefs motivate all the decisions that the professional makes unconsiously? Is there a way of embracing your beliefs without imposing them onto others?

Another comment was made by a woman, "I want to work with children because they seem to have the most messed up view of reality." Is this a true statement? Should we be focusing more attention on our youth because when really what is learned in the home shapes a child's view immensely? Do we just assume that parent's views on something such as diversity, racism, sexual orientation, etc. cannot be changed but children's views can?

Just a couple questions to chew on. I will have many more as the semester goes on. It looks like all my classes will be on Thursdays with my practicum being on Mondays-Wednesdays. Hopefully Fridays will be a day of rest for me. How wonderful that would be. Justin and I are still trying to figure out all the little details to make our schedules work. What a joy.

Seize the day.....


At 8:18 PM, Blogger Nick Warnes said...

I'll be a regular visitor!

At 5:18 AM, Blogger meredith said...

dawn! :) I was thinking about you today, and was going to email. I want to hear more about married life, and how school is going for you, too!

Things here are pretty incredible. I've been overwhelmed getting back into school mode, but this place is a pretty phenomenal place!

Love you!

At 1:34 PM, Blogger Matthew said...

Dawn, It is neat to hear that you are starting up there at U of M. Michael just started his program at Mars Hill and seems to be loving it. Melissa wanted me to let you know that her friend is actually in your program as well - her name is Dawn Gillam. Melissa thought she would be a good girl for you to connect with. anyway, tell your husband i said hello and get his butt into gear with his blog. take it easy!

At 8:27 PM, Blogger Joe and Emilie Schelling said...

Hello Dawn,

Prof Meerman gave me a link to your blog. I am considering applying to the program at UM. Trying to finish up my BSW at RBC right now. It sounds as if you are encountering some of the struggles that I am fearful of facing.

I will be interested to hear you reaction to the program.

In His Name


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