
We are reading many books about Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) issues and have had numerous classroom conversations. After much reading, the common theme expressed is that people who are LGBT are not by choice. I have always been taught or under the impression that being part of the LGBT community is a choice and is not something you are born with. Not the case, according to the many converations and readings that I have studied.

I am wondering your thoughts? Is being a part of the LGBT community something people are born with or a choice? How does this fit in with Christianity?

Lots of questions have been arising in my mind regarding this issue and have caused me to again fall to my knees and pray for understanding in this gray world. May all the glory and praise be given to him and may I continue to remain judgment free and accepting of all people.


At 11:02 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I don't really know, but I believe that we were created by God to love the people around us. I believe that just like single hetero's who bounce from sexual partner to sexual partner is a perversion of what we were created for by God, that the LGBT community is living in this same lost world. But to answer your question specifically and not so gray I would say that God did not create them, so I believe they weren't born this way. They were born into a sinful world, and like the rest of us they have been effected by the tempter and drawn away from who we are meant to be fully.

At 12:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i really don't know how to answer your question....i've heard a few people say that they thought they were born gay/lesbian because they always knew they were different than the people around them. most came from christian families and one knew in middle school he was different and went to christian counselors for the rest of middle and high school and eventually came out a few years later. the rest were pretty much almost shunned completely except for one. her mom still loves her but would rather have her be alone and miserable than in a loving, lesbian relationship. i don't believe that people are born with that part of them. i think it can get there after just being in certain environments and just watching people. so there's my two cents, tómelo o déjelo.
you know who

At 9:39 AM, Blogger Lindsay said...

all i know is that I didn't wake up one morning and say, "hmm, i think i'm gonna like boys," it just happened.

At 9:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

got a new blog!!!

At 1:51 PM, Blogger Dave Wils said...

sorry this comment is late. hopefully you see it. the answer to that question that has provided me the most peace is that homosexuals are born the way they are. and it is a consequence of the fact that we live in a world that is out of rhythm. now, the glbt community wouldn't like this, but it is along the same lines as mental illnesses, an affinity to addictions, etc. Not exactly the same, but along the same lines.


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