
After a few weeks with my new job I am realizing how important this work is. I have been in numerous situations where I am uncomfortable and speechless and yet, I always leave feeling as though the Lord used me. Today I met a 62 year old woman with breast cancer who was actively dying. She was in severe pain and was screaming to me through her eyes and facial expressions that she hurt, that she was scared, that she needed me. Although hours later she was still dying, she was comfortable and calm. She was resting and her body was dying as it should.

Sometimes I need to step outside to collect myself and remember why I am doing this. I always leave knowing that I made a difference in the lives of those I meet during such a crucial time in their life. It reminds me of how important it really is to walk with people through their pain. I am learning what it really means to hold someone's hand through some of the scariest times of life. Learning how important a hug can be. Learning how important HOPE is.

It amazes me how much I have learned about the Lord as well as myself through this new position. My eyes are continually opened and my pride continually humbled. Being Jesus with skin on to these families really take on a whole new meaning for me.