This past few weeks have been weeks of celebration. I graduate from the University of Michigan with my Masters of Social Work in the end of July with straight A's and flying colors! What a blessing! Go Blue!
From there Justin and I went to Castaway Young Life Club with two couples from church that we LOVE and enjoyed a great week of camp with them. We were able to enjoy all the week's activities, food, conversations, and relaxation time. We pairasailed, rock climbed, canoed, and went on the banana boat. Here are some pictures from our trip. We also saw the biggest man I have ever seen as a leader this week and thought you should see him as well.
We arrived home on August 5th, our FIRST wedding anniversary and it was fun to celebrate that partially together. We will celebrate more next week. This has definately been a few weeks of joys, blessings, and fun times with people we love. Thanks to all who have made the past few weeks wonderful!
Happy Anniversary! Time flies...huh? I love and miss you!
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