
So, I have a lot to post later on about our trip in California but I couldn't help but put this on the blog. They are identical and because Dwight is my favorite, I couldn't help myself. Enjoy


Justin and I are headed to California for my spring break to spend the week with Nick and Whitney. We have many fun things planned including the Oscars (hoping to catch a glimse of some red carpet), the Price is Right (hoping also to kiss Bob Barker and spin the big wheel), and warm sunny weather! We can't wait! Pray for safe travel, great conversation, and many memories!


In my Social Policy Class today we talked about Youth Development Programs and how they make a difference in the lives of adolescents in this hard and confusing world they grow up in. We addressed some areas of need that make these programs important for beneficial change when looking at behaviors, emotions, spiritually, and even physically. My professor talked about three specific needs for adolescents that should be met through Development Programs. We then talked about how often the "Needs" identified for youth do not come directly from the youth themselves, but adults who think they know adolescence.

My professor identified these three needs of adolescents....
1. Safety
2. Caring Relationships
3. Connections to the Larger Society

Do you agree with these needs? What do you think Youths would identify as their "Needs?" If you were to develop a program for Adolescents to meet their needs, what needs would you be striving to meet?


Look at the difference in body types in these wrestlers.

We watched a film today in one of my classes called, "Tough Guise" that addresses the problem of male roles and masculinity being influenced negatively by the media and culture. It was very interesting and some of the results were astounding to me. It talked about how men's violence is not plainly stated within media. For example when a man rapes a woman, the article in the newspaper is more about the woman being raped rather than the fact that the male raped the woman. This is found in almost every violent act done by males. Why??? Because white males have dominance and therefore it is just assumed that males are the more violent gender. But why?

Here is a quote from the fim:
"The marked increase over time in the size of representations of men's bodies, and the concomitant increase in gun size and killing power, provides a kind of cultural rorschak test. They are indications of how the stakes have been raised, how the real man fantasy peddled to and consumed by so many boys has grown increasingly physical, violent and mean. Significantly, even as we observe this phenomenon of increased male body size, particularly in the kinds of representations that predominate in action films, professional wrestling and video games, we can trace simultaneously the shrinking of the ideal body size of women. Such increasingly impossible and potentially destructive images need to be taken seriously, especially in the context of heightening concerns not only about male violence - but about steroid abuse by boys and men, and anorexia among girls and women."

The film talked about how over the years men's bodies have gotten much bigger and powerful while women's bodies have decreased greatly in size.

As a male, do you feel a lot of pressure to be masculine and conform to male roles? Women, do you add to this increased pressure towards males? Any other thoughts?


We are reading many books about Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) issues and have had numerous classroom conversations. After much reading, the common theme expressed is that people who are LGBT are not by choice. I have always been taught or under the impression that being part of the LGBT community is a choice and is not something you are born with. Not the case, according to the many converations and readings that I have studied.

I am wondering your thoughts? Is being a part of the LGBT community something people are born with or a choice? How does this fit in with Christianity?

Lots of questions have been arising in my mind regarding this issue and have caused me to again fall to my knees and pray for understanding in this gray world. May all the glory and praise be given to him and may I continue to remain judgment free and accepting of all people.


Should we stay or should we go? That is the question that has been lingering over Justin and my head for the past couple months. With time running short and a decision that had to be made by February 1 we finally decided. Through much prayer, conversations, and other disciplines, the Lord lead us to stay in Michigan for another year. Justin signed at the church and I will start looking for a job come the spring. We feel blessed by the many prayers and support that has lead us to this decision. We look forward to the upcoming year in Michigan.